
Germany stands as the preferred study destination for more than 75% of international students within the country

A recent study conducted by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) indicates that Germany is th...


Germany Introduces New Legislation to Boost Nursing Studies

Germany’s government has introduced the Nursing Studies Strengthening Act to make nursing studies ...


Germany Is Now World’s 3rd Most Popular Study Destination With Over 367k International Students

Germany recently overtook Australia in the list of the most popular study destinations and now ranks...


Looking for an allotment in Berlin? Now might be your chance!

Coronavirus lockdowns resulted in a huge uptick of people who were looking for Kleingarten ...


Renting in Germany: A Complete Guide to Finding Your New Home in Germany can be a chall...


Germany Safety Guide for International Students

Germany is generally a safe country so there’s no reason to be overly worried. Considering the lar...


Where are German public transport tickets getting more expensive in 2024?

Public transport in several German cities and regions is expected to get more expensi...


All the changes coming into effect from January 1, 2024 in Australia

January 1 will see some major changers across Australia - It’s good news for some, but bad news fo...


Explore the Top 27 Frequently Asked Job Interview Sample Questions along with Answers

Familiarize yourself with the Top 27 Standard Job Interview Questions and Answers.Take the opportuni...


What are Germany’s New Year’s resolutions for 2024?

To distract you from the day-seven misery of salad for every meal in the depths of winter, here...


44 Interesting Facts About Germany

Germany is known for a lot of things. Some highlights include many tuition-free universities, h...


Bosnia Work Permits and Visas: A Comprehensive Guide for Foreigners

Securing employment in Bosnia and Herzegovina requires navigating the country's work permit and ...


Which European country provides the fastest work permit for unskilled workers?

Poland is widely recognized for offering one of the most efficient work permit processes for unskill...


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