Germany is about to make life much easier for foreign workers in 2024

Germany is about to make life much easier for foreign workers in 2024

Germany is set to implement several changes to its immigration policies in 2024, making it harder for asylum-seekers but adding new initiatives to attract skilled labour.

Reforms have been announced with an aim to make Germany more appealing for skilled labor. A points-based system, based on language proficiency and professional experience, will grant eligible immigrants a one-year visa to search for jobs.

The EU Blue Card will be expanded to cover sectors facing labor shortages, and from March onwards, foreigners outside the EU can work in Germany while awaiting qualification approval, with the ability to stay up to three years.

Pathways for Qualifications and Training

In a bid to accommodate individuals aligning their foreign training with German qualifications, the revamped Skilled Immigration Act will introduce flexible provisions from March 1. Those undergoing training to attain a German-equivalent qualification for up to three years will be permitted to work part-time, capped at 20 hours per week. This flexibility extends to students and trainees, fostering a more inclusive approach to work-study arrangements.

Skilled workers seeking recognition of their foreign qualifications in Germany can start working directly upon agreement with their German employers, even during the recognition procedure. This measure allows for a stay of up to three years, provided the individual possesses a professional qualification of at least two years and a minimum A2 level proficiency in German.

Family Reunification Simplified

In an effort to streamline family reunification processes for skilled workers, the Skilled Immigration Act will also ease requirements for spouses, underage children, and, notably, parents or parents-in-law. While demonstrating the ability to support livelihoods remains a requirement, the need to prove sufficient living space will be scrapped.

Skilled workers can bring their parents or parents-in-law to Germany if their residency permits are valid from March 2024 onwards. This adjustment recognizes the importance of family ties and aims to create a more supportive environment for skilled workers establishing themselves in Germany.

Opportunity card

From June 1, an "opportunity card" based on a points system is slated for introduction in June. This card, designed for individuals with an equivalent foreign qualification, grants them the opportunity to seek employment in Germany for a one-year period, contingent upon demonstrating financial self-sufficiency. Those without an equivalent foreign qualification must possess a university degree or a vocational qualification of a minimum two years, along with proficiency at either A1-level German or B2-level English.

Holders of the opportunity card can engage in employment for up to 20 hours weekly, even during a probationary period. Furthermore, the option exists to extend the card's validity for up to two additional years, subject to individuals securing a contract for qualified employment. These progressive measures aim to create a more accessible and supportive pathway for individuals pursuing qualifications and establishing themselves in Germany.

Restrictions for asylum seekers

Chancellor Olaf Scholz has expressed support for "large-scale" deportations for rejected asylum applicants, and the Repatriation Improvement Act aims to streamline the deportation process.

Key changes for asylum-seekers include an end to advance announcements of deportations, an extension of asylum detention to 28 days, enhanced police powers for searching and accessing property, and faster deportations for individuals suspected of criminal associations.

Germany is negotiating agreements with several countries, including Georgia, Moldova, Kenya, Colombia, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan, to designate more countries as "safe countries of origin." The goal is to expedite the return of individuals to these designated countries.

Efforts to process asylum applications more swiftly are underway, with proposed changes aiming to reduce the processing time to three to six months. Asylum-seekers are also expected to receive fewer benefits, with welfare payments delayed to three years and deductions for food costs in state housing.

To prevent misuse of benefits, several German cities and states are transitioning to a card-based system, starting with Hannover's "social card." Other regions, including Thuringia, Hamburg, and Bavaria, are set to introduce similar programs in 2024.


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