Service to expedite citizenship processing launched in two German states

Service to expedite citizenship processing launched in two German states

The Pass[t] Genau service will assist residents with their citizenship applications to prevent incomplete submissions from extending processing times for others.

Pass[t] Genau Project Aims to Accelerate Citizenship Applications

The German Federal Commission for Migration, Refugees, and Integration has launched a new initiative, Pass[t] Genau, designed to guide residents through the citizenship application process, ensuring accurate submissions and reducing processing delays.

Pass[t] Genau, a play on the German word "Pass" (passport) and the phrase "passt genau" (fits perfectly), is currently being piloted in the federal states of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Rhineland-Palatinate.

Those interested can apply for assistance through the Pass[t] Genau website. Successful applicants will receive support from trained volunteers who will help them complete their application, communicate with relevant authorities, and expedite the process.

Immigration authorities, currently dealing with a shortage of staff and a backlog of applications due to relaxed citizenship laws introduced in June, have noted that incomplete or incorrectly filled applications are a significant cause of ongoing delays.

Will Pass[t] Genau Expand to Other Federal States?

In an interview with public broadcaster SWR, Pass[t] Genau manager Susanne Kolb indicated that the project could potentially expand to Germany’s 14 other federal states. However, this would require additional funding from these states, as the Federal Commission is only financing the initiative in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Rhineland-Palatinate at present.

Meanwhile, Pass[t] Genau is also seeking volunteers. Those selected will receive training in Berlin on citizenship law, naturalization, and advisory roles, with expenses covered.


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